“Graphics is a broad field; to understand it, you need information from perception, physics, mathematics, and engineering. Building a graphics application entails user-interface work, some amount of modeling (i.e., making a representation of a shape), and rendering (the making of pictures of shapes). Rendering is often done via a “pipeline” of operations; one can use this pipeline without understanding every detail to make many useful programs. But if we want to render things accurately, we need to start from a physical understanding of light. Knowing just a few properties of light prepares us to make a first approximate renderer.”
Uncalibrated photometric stereo (UPS) is challenging due to the inherent ambiguity brought by the unknown light. Although the ambiguity is alleviated on non-Lambertian objects, the problem is still difficult to solve for more general objects with complex shapes introducing irregular shadows and general materials with complex reflectance like anisotropic reflectance. To exploit cues from shadow and reflectance to solve UPS and improve performance on general materials, we propose DANI-Net, an inverse rendering framework with differentiable shadow handling and anisotropic reflectance modeling. Unlike most previous methods that use non-differentiable shadow maps and assume isotropic material, our network benefits from cues of shadow and anisotropic reflectance through two differentiable paths. Experiments on multiple real-world datasets demonstrate our superior and robust performance.
Related Works
Unsupervised calibrated photometric stereo; Uncalibrated photometric stereo; Shadow handling in photometric stereo; Neural reflectance representation in 3D vision
In this paper, we propose a novel optimization-based method to estimate the reflectance properties of a near planar surface from a single input image. Specifically, we perform test-time optimization by directly updating the parameters of a neural network to minimize the test error. Since single image SVBRDF estimation is a highly ill-posed problem, such an optimization is prone to overfitting. Our main contribution is to address this problem by introducing a training mechanism that takes the test-time optimization into account. Specifically, we train our network by minimizing the training loss after one or more gradient updates with the test loss. By training the network in this manner, we ensure that the network does not overfit to the input image during the test-time optimization process. Additionally, we propose a learned reflectance loss to augment the typically used rendering loss during the test-time optimization. We do so by using an auxiliary network that estimates pseudo ground truth reflectance parameters and train it in combination with the main network. Our approach is able to converge with a small number of iterations of the test-time optimization and produces better results compared to the state-of-the-art methods.
We present MIPNet, a novel approach for SVBRDF mipmapping which preserves material appearance under varying view distances and lighting conditions. As in classical mipmapping, our method explicitly encodes the multiscale appearance of materials in a SVBRDF mipmap pyramid. To do so, we use a tensor-based representation, coping with gradient-based optimization, for encoding anisotropy which is compatible with existing real-time rendering engines. Instead of relying on a simple texture patch average for each channel independently, we propose a cascaded architecture of multilayer perceptrons to approximate the material appearance using only the fixed material channels. Our neural model learns simple mipmapping filters using a differentiable rendering pipeline based on a rendering loss and is able to transfer signal from normal to anisotropic roughness. As a result, we obtain a drop-in replacement for standard material mipmapping, offering a significant improvement in appearance preservation while still boiling down to a single per-pixel mipmap texture fetch. We report extensive experiments on two distinct BRDF models.
Related Works
Texture minification; Normal map filtering; Rendering high-resolution normal maps; Reflectance filtering; Differentiable rendering
There currently exist two main approaches to reproducing visual appearance using Machine Learning (ML): The first is training models that generalize over different instances of a problem, e.g., different images of a dataset. As one-shot approaches, these offer fast inference, but often fall short in quality. The second approach does not train models that generalize across tasks, but rather over-fit a single instance of a problem, e.g., a flash image of a material. These methods offer high quality, but take long to train. We suggest to combine both techniques end-to-end using meta-learning: We over-fit onto a single problem instance in an inner loop, while also learning how to do so efficiently in an outer-loop across many exemplars. To this end, we derive the required formalism that allows applying meta-learning to a wide range of visual appearance reproduction problems: textures, BRDFs, svBRDFs, illumination or the entire light transport of a scene. The effects of meta-learning parameters on several different aspects of visual appearance are analyzed in our framework, and specific guidance for different tasks is provided. Metappearance enables visual quality that is similar to over-fit approaches in only a fraction of their runtime while keeping the adaptivity of general models.
Related Works
Visual Appearance; Learning; General Learning; Over-fit Optimization; Fine-tuning; Hyper- and meta-learning
We present a method for reconstructing high-quality meshes of large unbounded real-world scenes suitable for photorealistic novel view synthesis. We first optimize a hybrid neural volume-surface scene representation designed to have well-behaved level sets that correspond to surfaces in the scene. We then bake this representation into a high-quality triangle mesh, which we equip with a simple and fast view-dependent appearance model based on spherical Gaussians. Finally, we optimize this baked representation to best reproduce the captured viewpoints, resulting in a model that can leverage accelerated polygon rasterization pipelines for real-time view synthesis on commodity hardware. Our approach outperforms previous scene representations for real-time rendering in terms of accuracy, speed, and power consumption, and produces high quality meshes that enable applications such as appearance editing and physical simulation.
Authoring high-quality digital materials is key to realism in 3D rendering. Previous generative models for materials have been trained exclusively on synthetic data; such data is limited in availability and has a visual gap to real materials. We circumvent this limitation by proposing PhotoMat: the first material generator trained exclusively on real photos of material samples captured using a cell phone camera with flash. Supervision on individual material maps is not available in this setting. Instead, we train a generator for a neural material representation that is rendered with a learned relighting module to create arbitrarily lit RGB images; these are compared against real photos using a discriminator. We then train a material maps estimator to decode material reflectance properties from the neural material representation. We train PhotoMat with a new dataset of 12,000 material photos captured with handheld phone cameras under flash lighting. We demonstrate that our generated materials have better visual quality than previous material generators trained on synthetic data. Moreover, we can fit analytical material models to closely match these generated neural materials, thus allowing for further editing and use in 3D rendering.
Related Works
Material acquisition; Material generation; Neural materials
We present a neural rendering-based method called NeRO for reconstructing the geometry and the BRDF of reflective objects from multiview images captured in an unknown environment. Multiview reconstruction of reflective objects is extremely challenging because specular reflections are view-dependent and thus violate the multiview consistency, which is the cornerstone for most multiview reconstruction methods. Recent neural rendering techniques can model the interaction between environment lights and the object surfaces to fit the view-dependent reflections, thus making it possible to reconstruct reflective objects from multiview images. However, accurately modeling environment lights in the neural rendering is intractable, especially when the geometry is unknown. Most existing neural rendering methods, which can model environment lights, only consider direct lights and rely on object masks to reconstruct objects with weak specular reflections. Therefore, these methods fail to reconstruct reflective objects, especially when the object mask is not available and the object is illuminated by indirect lights. We propose a two-step approach to tackle this problem. First, by applying the split-sum approximation and the integrated directional encoding to approximate the shading effects of both direct and indirect lights, we are able to accurately reconstruct the geometry of reflective objects without any object masks. Then, with the object geometry fixed, we use more accurate sampling to recover the environment lights and the BRDF of the object. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method is capable of accurately reconstructing the geometry and the BRDF of reflective objects from only posed RGB images without knowing the environment lights and the object masks.
Neural material representations have recently been proposed to augment the material appearance toolbox used in realistic rendering. These models are successful at tasks ranging from measured BTF compression, through efficient rendering of synthetic displaced materials with occlusions, to BSDF layering. However, importance sampling has been an after-thought in most neural material approaches, and has been handled by inefficient cosine-hemisphere sampling or mixing it with an additional simple analytic lobe. In this paper we fill that gap, by evaluating and comparing various pdf-learning approaches for sampling spatially varying neural materials, and proposing new variations of these approaches. We investigate three sampling approaches: analytic-lobe mixtures, normalizing flows, and histogram prediction. Within each type, we introduce improvements beyond previous work, and we extensively evaluate and compare these approaches in terms of sampling rate, wall-clock time, and final visual quality. Our versions of normalizing flows and histogram mixtures perform well and can be used in practical rendering systems, potentially facilitating the broader adoption of neural material models in production.
Texture synthesis is a fundamental problem in computer graphics that would benefit various applications. Existing methods are effective in handling 2D image textures. In contrast, many real-world textures contain meso-structure in the 3D geometry space, such as grass, leaves, and fabrics, which cannot be effectively modeled using only 2D image textures. We propose a novel texture synthesis method with Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) to capture and synthesize textures from given multi-view images. In the proposed NeRF texture representation, a scene with fine geometric details is disentangled into the meso-structure textures and the underlying base shape. This allows textures with meso-structure to be effectively learned as latent features situated on the base shape, which are fed into a NeRF decoder trained simultaneously to represent the rich view-dependent appearance. Using this implicit representation, we can synthesize NeRF-based textures through patch matching of latent features. However, inconsistencies between the metrics of the reconstructed content space and the latent feature space may compromise the synthesis quality. To enhance matching performance, we further regularize the distribution of latent features by incorporating a clustering constraint. Experimental results and evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
// The following code goes to Customize -> Widgets -> coffee
// if coffee is not existed, enable Ultimate floating widgets plugin to create one
// https://docs.widgetbot.io/embed/crate/options