Jiajun Wu, Chengkai Zhang, Tianfan Xue, William T. Freeman, Joshua B. Tenenbaum
MIT CSAIL; Google Research
In this paper, we proposed 3D-GAN for 3D object generation, as well as 3D-VAE-GAN for learning an image to 3D model mapping. We demonstrated that our models are able to generate novel objects and to reconstruct 3D objects from images.
We study the problem of 3D object generation. We propose a novel framework, namely 3D Generative Adversarial Network (3D-GAN), which generates 3D objects from a probabilistic space by leveraging recent advances in volumetric convolutional networks and generative adversarial nets. The benefits of our model are three-fold: first, the use of an adversarial criterion, instead of traditional heuristic criteria, enables the generator to capture object structure implicitly and to synthesize high-quality 3D objects; second, the generator establishes a mapping from a low-dimensional probabilistic space to the space of 3D objects, so that we can sample objects without a reference image or CAD models, and explore the 3D object manifold; third, the adversarial discriminator provides a powerful 3D shape descriptor which, learned without supervision, has wide applications in 3D object recognition. Experiments demonstrate that our method generates high-quality 3D objects, and our unsupervisedly learned features achieve impressive performance on 3D object recognition, comparable with those of supervised learning methods.
- In this paper, we demonstrate that modeling volumetric objects in a general-adversarial manner could be a promising solution to generate objects that are both novel and realistic
Related Works
Modeling and synthesizing 3D shapes; Deep learning for 3D data; Learning with an adversarial net
MVCNN, 3D ShapeNets, DeepPano, VoxNet, ORION, SPH, LFD: T-L Network, VConv-DAE
We design an all-convolutional neural network to generate 3D objects. The generator consists of five volumetric fully convolutional layers of kernel sizes 4 × 4 × 4 and strides 2, with batch normalization and ReLU layers added in between and a Sigmoid layer at the end. The discriminator basically mirrors the generator, except that it uses Leaky ReLU instead of ReLU layers. There are no pooling or linear layers in our network.