Peng Dai, Zhuwen Li, Yinda Zhang, Shuaicheng Liu, Bing Zeng
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China; Nuro Inc.; Google Research
Physically based rendering has been widely used to generate photo-realistic images, which greatly impacts industry by providing appealing rendering, such as for entertainment and augmented reality, and academia by serving large scale high-fidelity synthetic training data for data hungry methods like deep learning. However, physically based rendering heavily relies on ray-tracing, which can be computational expensive in complicated environment and hard to parallelize. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end deep learning based approach to generate physically based rendering efficiently. Our system consists of two stacked neural networks, which effectively simulates the physical behavior of the rendering process and produces photo-realistic images. The first network, namely shading network, is designed to predict the optimal shading image from surface normal, depth and illumination; the second network, namely composition network, learns to combine the predicted shading image with the reflectance to generate the final result. Our approach is inspired by intrinsic image decomposition, and thus it is more physically reasonable to have shading as intermediate supervision. Extensive experiments show that our approach is robust to noise thanks to a modified perceptual loss and even outperforms the physically based rendering systems in complex scenes given a reasonable time budget.
Related Works
Physically Based Rendering; Photo-Realistic Image Generation; Intrinsic Image Decomposition