Xiuming Zhang, Pratul P. Srinivasan, Boyang Deng, Paul Debevec, William T. Freeman, Jonathan T. Barron
MIT CSAIL; Google Research
The input to NeRFactor is assumed to be only multi-view images (and their camera poses) of an object lit by one unknown illumination condition. NeRFactor represents the shape and spatially-varying reflectance of an object as a set of 3D fields, each parameterized by Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) whose weights are optimized so as to “explain” the set of observed input images. After optimization, NeRFactor outputs, at each 3D location ? on the object’s surface, the surface normal ?, light visibility in any direction ?(?i), albedo ?, and reflectance ?BRDF that together explain the observed appearance?. By recovering the object’s geometry and reflectance, NeRFactor en- ables applications such as free-viewpoint relighting (with shadows) and material editing.
We address the problem of recovering the shape and spatially-varying reflectance of an object from multi-view images (and their camera poses) of an object illuminated by one unknown lighting condition. This enables the rendering of novel views of the object under arbitrary environment lighting and editing of the object's material properties. The key to our approach, which we call Neural Radiance Factorization (NeRFactor), is to distill the volumetric geometry of a Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) [Mildenhall et al. 2020] representation of the object into a surface representation and then jointly refine the geometry while solving for the spatially-varying reflectance and environment lighting. Specifically, NeRFactor recovers 3D neural fields of surface normals, light visibility, albedo, and Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs) without any supervision, using only a re-rendering loss, simple smoothness priors, and a data-driven BRDF prior learned from real-world BRDF measurements. By explicitly modeling light visibility, NeRFactor is able to separate shadows from albedo and synthesize realistic soft or hard shadows under arbitrary lighting conditions. NeRFactor is able to recover convincing 3D models for free-viewpoint relighting in this challenging and underconstrained capture setup for both synthetic and real scenes. Qualitative and quantitative experiments show that NeRFactor outperforms classic and deep learning-based state of the art across various tasks. Our videos, code, and data are available at
- Bi et al. [2020] and NeRV [Srinivasan et al. 2021] require multiple known lighting conditions, while NeRFactor handles just one unknown illumination
- NeRD [Boss et al. 2021] does not model visibility or shad- ows, while NeRFactor does, successfully separating shadows from albedo (as will be shown). NeRD uses an analytic BRDF, whereas NeRFactor uses a learned BRDF that encodes priors
- PhySG [Zhang et al. 2021b] does not model visibility or shad- ows and uses an analytic BRDF, just like NeRD. In addition, PhySG assumes non-spatially-varying reflectance, while NeRFactor models spatially-varying BRDFs
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Inverse Rendering
NeRFactor is a coordinate-based model that factorizes, in an unsupervised manner, the appearance of a scene observed under one unknown lighting condition. It tackles this severely ill-posed problem by using a reconstruction loss, simple smoothness regularization, and data-driven BRDF priors. Modeling visibility explicitly, NeRFactor is a physically-based model that supports shadows under arbitrary lighting.